Tools to Translate Taobao into English

If you need some English words translated into Chinese text quickly, you can use the translation tool to the left.

Alternatively use a web based translation site to such as Google translate.

Popup Chinese
Popup Chinese is a site preferred for translating Chinese into English.  It has a great hover effect which translates the Chinese characters into English.  Simply paste some Chinese characters into the translation box and click ‘Annotate.’

Please remember to select Simplified Chinese.  Also note that translation tools do a great job, but they are not perfect and can give an incorrect result.

Translation Strategy
Translating the whole page at once is not the preferred method for Taobao but can be done via Google translate.

The best way to use these automatic translation tools is to have the normal Chinese website open on one window with a separate window for translating via for example Google Translate.  Alternatively, it’s best to use a tabbed browser to reduce the number of windows open.  Then simply copy/paste the product descriptions or other words needing translating.





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